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2nd Academic Committee Meeting of Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine (The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Jinan University)

Similar to last year, several members of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) were invited to attend the 2nd Academic Committee Meeting of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine (The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Jinan University) (the MOE Key Laboratory) on 10 October 2017.

Our School members, including Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director, Prof. Wan Chao, Assistant Director of the MOE Key Laboratory, Prof. Jiang Xiaohua, Assistant Professor, Prof. Xia Yin, Research Assistant Professor and Prof. Zhao Hui, Assistant Professor, met with the representatives of Jinan University and the members of the Academic Committee of the MOE Key Laboratory. During the meeting, Prof. Chan Wai-yee gave an address on the development of the MOE Key Laboratory, followed by a progress report by Prof. Wan Chao.

After progress reporting, Prof. Jiang Xiaohua, Prof. Wan Chao and Prof. Zhao Hui presented, respectively, their latest findings on the key research areas as identified by the MOE Key Laboratory, and received from the Academic Committee members the comments and suggestions on the future development of the MOE Key Laboratory.


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Group photo of Prof. Chan Wai-yee (3rd from left, front), Prof. Zhao Hui (2nd from left, back), Prof. Wan Chao (4th from left, back), Prof. Xia Yin (4th from right, back) and Prof. Jiang Xiaohua (2nd from right, back) with the participants from Jinan University

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