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Delegation Visit by Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Following the mutual visits in March 2016, the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) and Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (GD-TCM) have established “The GD-TCM & SBS Translational Collaborative Innovation Grant 2016-17” for promoting research collaboration between the two institutions. Our PIs and their collaborative partners in GD-TCM jointly submitted collaborative research proposals for obtaining this new grant. On 30 September 2016, Prof. Lue Yu-bo, Founding President of Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (GD-TCM) Group led a delegation to visit SBS and attended the presentation sessions on the selected collaborative research projects conducted by the respective research teams.

During the meeting, each collaborative team gave a 20-minute presentation on their project and shared with the delegates who were the members of Academic Committee of GD-TCM, such as the background and objectives, preliminary technologies required for carrying out the project as well as the study plan and the possible problems might be encountered in real practice, etc. The meeting was followed by the visits to the respective laboratories of the collaborating PIs in SBS, with further discussion on how their funded research projects could be successfully carried out.

With the commencement of the collaborative research projects between SBS and GD-TCM, we hope that both institutions will establish a closer and stronger partnership for attaining the greatest scientific and research accomplishments.

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