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Delegation Visit of Xinjiang Medical University

A delegation from Xinjiang Medical University, China comprising Prof. Fan Li (李凡), Vice President of Xinjiang Medical University, and Prof. Xin-Min Mao (毛新民), Dean, School of Basic Medical Sciences, visited the School of Biomedical Sciences on 14 October 2010.

During the visit, the delegates met with Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, Director of our School, Prof. Michael Tam, Associate Director (Undergraduate Education), Prof. Woody Chan Associate Director (Graduate Education), Prof. Christopher Cheng, MED Year 1 Coordinator, Prof. Sun-On Chan, Dissecting Laboratory Coordinator, Prof. Alisa Shum, Histology Laboratory Coordinator, Dr Ann Lau, representative of the Teaching and Learning Unit, et al. Upon receiving a presentation on the overview of the School by Prof. Chan, the delegates exchanged views and experience in terms of providing medical education and possible research collaboration. After the meeting, the delegates were arranged to visit our teaching facilities and core laboratories.

Following the delegation visit, the Xinjiang Medical University will send four teachers to our School in November 2011 for a one-month class attachment.

Enevts XinJiang141010 01
Prof. Fan Li, Vice President of Xinjiang Medical University (2nd from left) and Prof. Xin-Min Mao, Dean, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Xinjiang Medical University (3rd from right)

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