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Eighth International Symposium on Frontiers in Life Sciences – New Advances and Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research

On 26 August 2010, Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, SBS Director, was invited to attend on behalf of CUHK and to deliver a keynote speech on “Epigenetic regulation in germ cell tumorigenesis” at the Eighth International Symposium on Frontiers in Life Sciences – New Advances and Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research (生命科學前沿國際研討會 2010 – 多學科交叉研究的新進展與挑戰). The Symposium was co-organized by the Ningxia Medical University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, under the coordination of the organizing committee co-chaired by Prof. Tao Sun, President of the Ningxia Medical University and Prof. Hsiao-Chang Chan, Director of the CUHK Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre. The programme of the Symposium and the corresponding abstracts can be found at

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Prof. Wai-Yee Chan (1st from right), SBS Director, delivering a keynote speech at the Symposium

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(From right) Prof. Xiaohua Jiang; Prof. Wai-Yee Chan; and Prof. Hsiao-Chang Chan

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Group photo: (1st row, 10th from left) Prof Wai-Yee Chan; (1st row, 5th from right) Prof. Hsiao-Chang Chan; (2nd row, 12th from left) Prof. Xiaohua Jiang

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