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Visit of the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, China

Led by Dr. Duan Ziyuan, the Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Deputy Director General of the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), China, a 10–member delegation visited the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) on 24 May 2018.

The delegation was warmly received by Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, Associate Director (Academic Administration) and had a meeting with members of the Developmental and Regenerative Biology (DRB) thematic research program of SBS and the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM). In the meeting, Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee, Chief of the DRB Program of SBS, introduced the background and recent development of the DRB program and iTERM to the delegation, followed by GIBH representative’s introduction on the new stem cell GMP laboratory to be developed in Hong Kong Science Park. The delegation was then arranged to have a tour of the core facilities located in the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building.

Indeed, our School has been in close collaboration with GIBH since the signing of a MOU on November 2011 between the two institutions to promote long-term partnerships in research collaboration, as well as the exchange and training of research personnel.

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Group photo of the delegation and our School members, including Prof. Fung Kwok-pui (5th from left, front row), Associate Director (Academic Administration) of SBS, Prof. Kenneth Lee (4th from left, front row), Chief of DRB Program, and other members of the DRB program.

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(From right) Group photo of Prof. Kenneth Lee, Prof. Feng Bo, Prof. Fung Kwok-pui and representatives from the delegation

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Snapshot taken during the visit to our Core Laboratories

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