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Visit of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

Representatives of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) including Prof. Yi Wang, Vice Director, Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, NSFC, and Prof. Zhang-Cai Yan, Director, Division of Life Sciences, NSFC, together with Ms. Lydia L. J. Lin, Deputy Managing Director, Beijing-Hong Kong International Training Centre, visited the School of Biomedical Sciences on 23 May 2011.

Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, Director of the School and Prof. Kenneth Lee, Managing Director of the Core Laboratories met with visitors. After hearing a presentation highlighting the latest development of the various areas of the School by Professor Chan, the visitors were given a tour of the core laboratories.

Earlier in October 2010, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the NSFC co-organized the 2010 Academic Symposium on Developmental Studies in Health and Diseases under the coordination of our School and the Office of Academic Links (China). Following the Symposium, participants nominated by the NSFC paid a visit to our School to explore the possibilities of developing joint collaborations.

Events Visit NSFC 23 May 2011 1

Events Visit NSFC 23 May 2011 2
A group photo taken with Prof. Yi Wang (1st from right), Prof. Zhang-Cai Yan (middle), and Ms. Lydia Lin.

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