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Wuhan Delegation’s Visit

A delegation from Wuhan, led by Prof. Yaobin Jia, Member of Standing Committee of Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, visited the School of Biomedical Sciences on 9 September 2010. The delegation comprised representatives from Wuhan Overseas Friendship Association and scientists from Wuhan University.

During the visit, the delegates met with Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, Director of our School, and several members of the Core Labs Team. After receiving a presentation on the overview of the School by Prof. Chan, the delegates updated our School members the latest research development in Wuhan and invited us to organize a delegation visit to Wuhan and its Optics Valley of China (OVC) in the near future. The meeting was rounded up by a tour to the core laboratories and research facilities of our School.

This visit has laid down a good foundation for both parties in terms of forging future research collaborations.

Event Wuhan01
Wuhan delegates at the meeting with Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, SBS Director et al.

Event Wuhan02
Wuhan delegates visited our School’s core lab facilities

Event Wuhan03
Group photo with Wuhan delegates taken outside the Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building

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