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1. Sequencing service

PACBIO REVIO Long Read Sequencer

PromethION 24 Sequencer

Illumina Nextseq 2000 Sequencer


2. DNA/RNA QC check services

Agilent 4200 TapeStation System

Agilent FEMTO PULSE System

3. Auxiliary instruments

Labconco CentriVap Concentrator

3DHistech TMA Master II (creating tissue microarray blocks)

Myra Liquid Handling System

Diagenode Megaruptor 3 DNA Shearing System

4. Sequencing System

Illumina NextSeq 2000 System

Thermofisher Scientific Ion Chef & Ion Torrents S5 Sequencing System

General Information

For SBS User:

Application for Access to SBS Core Laboratories for SBS Staffs and Students

For Non-SBS User:

Access of facilities to non-SBS users may be considered. Principal investigator of the project please submits the request to .The principal investigator, together with the end-users, will be invited for a discussion on project requirements and facility usage procedures in person. Requests of non-PIs will not be entertained.

General Enquiry:

Ms. Venus Yeung
Dr. Denis Ip
Senior Technician
Dr. Joaquim Vong
Scientific Officer
Ms. Chloe Chen
Research Assistant
LIBSB Room 410 & 612