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Activities and Outreach Events for the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme

The BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme) Team arranged the following activities for BSc Programme students between January and April 2019:

Date Name Speaker(s)
28 February 2019 Introduction of MD+ Programme at The University of Western Australia (UWA)
  • Prof. Minghao Zheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) of UWA
  • Mr. Ian Hardy, Warden of UWA St George’s College
5 March 2019 Introduction of Summer Internship Program, organized by Hong Kong Life Sciences Society (HKLSS)
  • Mr. Ken Wong, HKLSS
15 March 2019 Introduction of DUKE-NUS MD Programme of Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
  • Dr. Lai Siang-hui, Associate Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School
  • Career Talk by Phase Scientific on 17 April 2019: Dr. Ricky Chiu, CEO of Phase Scientific, a start-up company shared his views on the landscape of biomedical sciences and diagnostic development in Hong Kong, as well as career opportunities in Phase Scientific.

By arranging these activities, we hope our students could have more exposure to the future development opportunities and current market to facilitate them in planning career path.

To continually promote the BSc Programme, the School also took part in various events to raise secondary school students’ interest in biomedical sciences and our Programme. These included:

  • Admission talk for Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School on 18 January 2019: Dr. Sam H.K. Poon of SBS delivered admission talk to 30 Secondary 5 students, addressing Biomedical Sciences’ impact on daily life and details of our BSc Programme.
  • English Schools Foundation (ESF) University Fair 2019 on 18 February 2019: This is the second year that SBS was invited by King George V School to participate in their annual ESF University fair, enabling students from ESF Schools to enhance understanding of our BSc programme. About 1,200 Year 12 students from ESF Secondary Schools took part in the fair.
  • CUHK University Taster Fair for Secondary School Students on 23 March 2019: Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, Deputy Programme Director was invited to conduct seminar and workshop about the BSc Programme to 128 senior secondary school students in University Taster Fair organized by Office of Admission and Financial Aids (OAFA). Our Year 1 student ambassadors and a Ph.D. graduate also shared their study experience. The participants had gained a better understanding of our programme features and career prospects.
  • HK SciFest 2019 – Decoding the Gene on 21 April 2019: The School again was invited to participate in the HK SciFest organized by Hong Kong Science Museum for the third year, and hosted 4 sessions of activities about “Decoding the Gene”. A total of 98 participants took part in the activities at which hands-on workshops were arranged to enhance their interest in biomedical sciences.

To further attract prospective overseas students to the BSc Programme, Dr. Ann Lau continued to participate in outreach events coordinated by OAFA. These included visits to two high schools, admission talk and interview in Malaysia between 17 and 20 January 2019; admission interview in Taipei between 1 and 3 March 2019.

With the continuous effort in promoting the Programme, we anticipate more high-caliber and promising students will get admitted to the Programme.

Career Talk by Phase Scientific

Sharing by Hong Kong Life Sciences Society

Talk by The University of Western Australia

CUHK University Taster Fair for Secondary School Students

HK SciFest 2019

HK SciFest 2019

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