The School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) participated in the conference “Cancer: From Biology to Treatment” co-organized by Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Erasmus University Medical Centre (Erasmus MC), the Nethelands on 11 May 2016.
The conference was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK and Prof. Ernst Kuipers, Chairman of Board of Executive, Erasmus MC. Together with other twelve renowned scholars and leaders from the Netherlands and Hong Kong to share their experience in biology and treatment of cancer, Prof. Alfred S.L. Cheng, Associate Professor of SBS served as one of the speakers on the topic of “Signaling Crosstalk in Tumor Microenvironment” in a session chaired by Prof. Franky L. Chan, Professor and Chief of the Cancer & Inflammation Program of SBS. The conference was concluded by the closing remarks given by Prof. Jaap Verweij, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Executives, Erasmus MC, and Prof. Francis K.L. Chan, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, respectively.
Through joining the conference with the participation of international research experts, the academic linkage and exchange of research experience between our investigators and the experts in the same research focus can be further enhanced, which paves the way for strengthening knowledge exchange and global outreach in the future.
Please click HERE for the Scientific Programme for the conference.