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Hong Kong – Taiwan Physiology Symposium 2012 and Joint Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences & The Biophysical Society of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong-Taiwan Physiology Symposium 2012 and the Joint Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences & The Biophysical Society of Hong Kong were held at the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) between 14 and 15 June 2012.

Along with representatives from the University of Hong Kong, Kaohsiung Medical University, National Cheng Kung University and National Chia-Yi University, Prof. Yung Wing-ho, Prof. Ko Wing-hung and Prof. Ke Ya of the School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK served on the Organizing Committee of the Symposium. Meanwhile, Prof. Yung and Prof. Ke also served on the Organizing Committee for the Joint Scientific Meeting.  During the 2-day events, outstanding scientists and young investigators from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan and United States were invited to deliver plenary lectures and talks, and to take part in poster sessions.


Through organizing and participating in these joint events, it is hoped that our School could further enhance its academic connections and collaboration with other local, regional and international institutions.

[Download Program Book]


Snapshots taken during the Symposium.

Snapshots taken during the Symposium.

A group photo of our School members including Prof. Michael S.C. Tam (4th from left), Prof. Ko Wing-hung (3rd from right), Prof. Yung Wing-ho (1st from right) with other guests joining the Symposium.

A group photo of our School members [including Prof. Yung Wing-ho (1st from right) and Prof. Ke Ya (2nd from right)] and guests taken outside the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building.


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