To continually promote the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme), the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) participated in several activities organized by the Office of Admission and Financial Aids (OAFA), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and arranged separate event and visit between May and August 2017 with a view to enhancing secondary school students’ interest in biomedical sciences, including:
- To participate in the “Programme Exploration Day for JUPAS Applicants 2017”, an annual activity organized by the OAFA; around 40 JUPAS applicants who had selected the BSc Programme in their applications were arranged to attend admission talk, laboratory tour and a sharing session given by the Year 1 undergraduate students of BSc Programme at Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building (LIBSB), followed by a hands-on workshop, an e-Learning courseware introduction session and Dissecting Laboratory’s visit at Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building on 16 May 2017.
- As lined up by the OAFA, 10 counsellors from international schools attended on 26 May 2017 an information seminar with the introduction of SBS and the BSc Programme given by Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of SBS and Dr. Ann S. N. Lau, Deputy Programme Director of the BSc Programme, respectively. A tour at the Core Laboratories of SBS was also arranged for the participants.
- Apart from the BioMeRA held between early July and late August this summer for promoting the BSc Programme to secondary school students, around 12 twelfth grade students of King George V School visited SBS and attended a programme consultation session delivered by Dr. Ann Lau for learning more about SBS and the BSc proramme at LIBSB on 20 June 2017. The students were also guided to a tour of Aquatic Zone and Histology Core of SBS’s Core Laboratories, during which they were given the opportunity of experiencing some hands-on activities.
- An academic counselling session for mainland students was organized by the OAFA on 22 August 2017. Prof. Zhao Hui, Assistant Professor and Deputy Dissecting Laboratory Coordinator, represented SBS to introduce the BSc Programme in Lady Shaw Building of CUHK to around 60 mainland students who were admitted to CUHK with their results in the National Higher Education Entrance Examination – the Gaokao. Representatives from Schools and Departments under the Faculty of Medicine also introduced their undergraduate programmes in the same session. Students could decide the programme that they wished to be admitted to immediately afterwards.
With the continuous efforts in promoting our BSc Programme through various activities communicating with local and overseas prospective students, it is our hope that more high caliber and promising students will get admitted to the Programme in the academic year 2018-2019 and beyond.

Programme Exploration Day for JUPAS Applicants 2017

Programme Exploration Day for JUPAS Applicants 2017

Prof. Chan Wai-yee, School Director of SBS (standing), introduces the School to the
counsellors from international schools

Students of King George V School experience some hands-on activities during the visit