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PEF Experience Sharing: Bridging Innovation and Commercialization – Journey to BioPharma Asia 2013

Prof. Christopher H.K. Cheng, Prof. Mary W.Y. Waye, Prof. David C.C. Wan and Prof. Chen Yangchao of our School, who had participated in the BioPharma Asia Convention 2013 in Singapore in March 2013, were invited to join the “Professional Enhancement Fund Experience Sharing Seminar: Bridging Innovation and Commericalization – Journey to BioPharma Asia 2013” as arranged by the Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) on 14 May 2013. 

During the seminar, our School members shared with the participants their insights and experience in bridging innovation and commercialization in terms of biomedical research.


The corresponding coverage by the KTO can be viewed HERE.

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