Research Day 2022 & Joint Symposium on “Advances in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology: From Basic Science to Emerging Technologies” organised by CUHK School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) and the Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology (HKSDB) was successfully conducted on 16 and 17 June 2022 in a hybrid format with in-person and online participation. It attracted over 300 participants from the University and other tertiary institutions.
The joint event was officiated by Prof. Francis K.L. Chan, Dean of Medicine, CUHK; Prof. Sham Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President (Research), CUHK, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Biomedical Sciences and President, Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology; and Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS. The programme was divided into three sessions on Developmental Biology, Emerging Technologies, and Stem Cell Biology. Six Principal Investigators of SBS, and ten speakers from CUHK, The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) shared their latest research insights in the event.
Three keynote speakers including Prof. Stephen Dalton from SBS, Prof. Naihe Jing from SIBS, CAS; and Prof. Ting Xie from HKUST presented their keynote speeches, showcasing valuable scientific discoveries with the participants.
This flagship event this year gathered top-notched experts in different disciplines to exchange significant research ideas, filled with all-rounded and stimulating discussions. It successfully facilitated cross-pollination of ideas, and built up new connections among participants. We sincerely thank all the participants for their staunch support to make this event a big success.
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Photo taken during the event
Photo taken during the event
Prof. Francis Chan, Prof. Sham Mai-har and Prof. Andrew Chan officiate the event