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The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grants 2013 obtained by School members

Four of our School members have been awarded the “National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grants 2013”, which grossed a total of RMB2.47million (approximately HKD3.12million).

They are:

  • Prof. CHAN Hsiao Chang
    Project Title: “Regulation of ENaC/COX-2 by microRNA and its involvement in embryo implantation”
  • Dr. GUO Jing Hui
    Project Title: “The mechanism involved in the regulation of ENaC on utering contraction and preterm labor”
  • Prof. KE Ya
    Project Title: “Functional recovery of mitochondrial iron homeostasis in the therapeutic action of hepcidin in Parkinsonism”
  • Prof. YUNG Wing Ho
    Project Title: “Mechanisms of deep brain stimulation mediated antidromic activation in alleviating Parkinsonian motor symptoms and motor learning deficit”

We would like to extend again our heartiest congratulations to the awardees! The awards do not only exemplify the outcome of their commitment and continued hard-work, but also mark our concerted efforts in supporting the University’s research endeavors in the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI).

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