Four staff members of the School of Biomedical Sciences have recently received the Long Service Award 2013 for their twenty-five consecutive years of service at the University. At the “Long Service Award 2013 Presentation Ceremony” held on 9 April 2014, Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education), Mrs. Carmen Y.Y. Lau, Ms. Esther L.F. Yuen and Ms. Chan Fu-kwai received the award along with other recipients of the 25-year and 35-year Long Service Awards.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation to the above staff members for their continued dedication and efforts to the University and the School over the past twenty-five years.
Please click HERE for more details on the “Long Service Award 2013 Presentation Ceremony” as captured by the “CUTV” administered by the Communications and Public Relations Office.
Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, Associate Director (Administration) (right) with Ms. Chan Fu-kwai (1st from left), Mrs. Carmen Y.Y. Lau (2nd from left) and Ms. Esther L.F. Yuen (2nd from right)
(From left) Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, Associate Director (Administration), Mr. Chan Chi-ho, School Manager, Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education), Ms. Chan Fu-kwai, Mrs. Carmen Y.Y. Lau and Ms. Esther L.F. Yuen