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Press Conferences Introducing New Findings by SBS Members
29 Nov 2016

Prof. Lee Tin-lap, Deputy Chief, the Developmental and Regenerative Biology (DRB) Program of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), together with Prof. Li Tin-chiu, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, held a press conference on 29 November 2016. In the press conference, the professors shared with the public the world’s first comprehensive study on ovum ageing and female infertility by using single-cell genomics technology, followed by announcing the launch of a community oocyte donation programme.

Please click HERE for the full coverage of the press conference.

On 13 December 2016, Prof. Huang Yu, Associate Director (Research) of SBS and Director (Basic Sciences) of the Faculty’s Institute of Vascular Medicine, and his team held another press conference for a transregional research on the novel mechanism for the development of Atherosclerosis, which set new treatment directions to cardiovascular diseases. The research is collaborated with Tianjin Medical University, China and The Institute of Cellular and System Medicine, Taiwan, and the findings have recently been published in an International scientific journal Nature.

With this research finding, Prof. Huang won the Research Excellence Award 2016-2017 presented by the University of Hong Kong in August 2017 (Please see another report for the details of the award).

Please refer to the Faculty website for the full coverage of the press conference.

(From right) Prof. Lee Tin-lap and Prof. Lee Tin-chiu

(From right) Prof. Huang Yu and Dr. Wang Li, Postdoctoral Fellow in Prof. Huang’s research laboratory

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