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Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui received Excellent Research Award, Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR
12 Jun 2019

With a Health and Medical Research Fund project, Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui received the Excellent Research Award from the Food and Health Bureau, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) at the Health Research Symposium 2019 on 12 June 2019. The awarded project is titled “Whole Exome Sequencing to Dissect the Genetic Factors behind Development Delay and Learning Difficulties”, which is a collaborative project of the School of Biomedical Sciences, the Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Clinical Genetic Service of Department of Health, HKSAR. The developed genetic analysis platform has been subsequently incorporated into the newly established Hong Kong Children’s Hospital.

Meanwhile, Prof. Tsui and his collaborators, including Prof. Liu Zhigang, Shenzhen University and Prof. Zhong Nanshan, Guangzhou Medical Universityobtained 2018 Second Class Award, Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award, which recognized their work on research and application of the dust mite allergy mechanism.

We sincerely congratulate Prof. Tsui on his remarkable achievements and wish him continued success in his research endeavors in the future.

Prof. Stephen Tsui (2nd from right) receives the Excellent Research Award by Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR at Health Research Symposium 2019

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