Research Grants Council (RGC) – General Research Fund (GRF) & Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2021/22 obtained by School members
8 Sep 2021

In the Research Grants Council (RGC) – General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2021/22, 13 projects submitted by our School members were successfully funded, including ECS project. A gross amount of about HK$14.7 million was secured. The corresponding Principal Investigators (PIs) are listed below according to the alphabetical order of surname:

Prof. Alfred S.L Cheng Prof. Cheung Hoi-hung Prof. Vincent C.K Cheung
Prof. Gu Shen* Prof. Huang Yu Prof. Jacque P.K. Ip
Prof. Ke Ya Prof. John A. Rudd Prof. Sham Mai-har
Prof. Tian Xiaoyu Prof. Wang Dan Prof. Xia Yin
Prof. Yung Wing-ho

(*ECS projects)

With this remarkable achievement, we would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the above Principal Investigators for their relentless efforts and full commitment to pursuing research excellence.

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