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School members’ participation in the Centre for Neuromusculoskeletal Restorative Medicine (CNRM)
1 Mar 2022

The Centre for Neuromusculoskeletal Restorative Medicine (CNRM), a new CUHK research laboratory admitted to Health@InnoHK Research Clusters located at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, was formally established on 1 March 2022.  A number of our School members have joined this new Inno Centre as Principal Investigators, including Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, who is also the Co-Director of CNRM, Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Prof. Wan Chao, Prof. Elmer D.F. Ker, Prof. Chan Hon-fai, Prof. Anna M. Blocki, Prof. Wang Dan, Prof. Jiang Yangzi and Dr. Lu Gang.

CNRM is a multi-disciplinary, international consortium devoted to the application of convergent principles and technologies of biomedical science and engineering to restore structure and function to neuromusculoskeletal tissues and organs injured, diseased and degenerated due to aging or trauma, for the maintenance of mobility and enhancement of quality of life through biomedical research and development. It gathers the talents and expertise in stem cells, biomaterials, 3D bioprinting, tissue engineering, and personalized and translational medicine from CUHK and the Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden to carry out five Research Programs, namely, (1) Stem Cells and Cell-Based Therapies; (2) Tissue Engineering and 3D Microtissue Modeling; (3) Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms; (4) Preclinical and Clinical Translation; and (5) Enabling Technologies,.

It is believed that our School members’ active involvement can contribute to the development of CNRM with the objectives to enable technologies translational to clinical trials and product development, and to accelerate collaborations with various academic education and training programs at the University, industrial partnerships and patient advocacy.

Group photo at CNRM

(From left) Prof. Woody Chan, Co-Director of CNRM; Prof. Rocky Tuan; and Prof. Patrick S.H. Yung, Director of CNRM and Chairman of Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, CUHK

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