Gold award in Education Technology Innovation – Poster Award Certificate, Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2023, CUHK
Title: The AR multi-players Gamification in Mobile Apps: Applying Knowledge to Cognitive Memory
Team members: Dr Florence Mei Kuen TANG*, Dr Sin Nga Ann LAU, Mr Kenneth Chung Hin LAI, Mr Taylor Lik Hang TANG, Mr Billy Chiu Yung FU
Poster: https://www.expo.elearning.cuhk.edu.hk/awards
Bronze award in Pedagogical Innovation – Poster Award Certificate, Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2023, CUHK
Title: Transformation of Metaverse: The Future Educational eLearning Tools for Active Learning
Team members: Dr Florence Mei Kuen TANG*, Dr Sin Nga Ann LAU, Dr Kanchan SINGH, Professor Cho Lee Jojo WONG, Professor Peter Pak Hang CHEUNG, Professor Emily Ming Wai TSANG, Dr Yuk Man Charis Li, Mr Kenneth Chung Hin LAI, Mr Ray Mau Fung LEE, Mr Taylor Lik Hang TANG, Mr Billy Chiu Yung FU, Mr Roy Wong Kit CHIM
Poster: https://www.expo.elearning.cuhk.edu.hk/awards
Silver award in Pedagogical Innovation – Poster Award Certificate, Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2022, CUHK
Title: Massively VR and AR Multiplayer Gamified Competition: Anatomy and Physiology Course for Health Professional Training
Team members: Dr Tang Mei Kuen Florence*, Mr Tang Lik Hang Taylor, Ms Li Yee Lam Eileen, Mr Pang Chun Keung Daniel, Mr Fu Chiu Yung Billy, Dr Hwang Shui Shan Isabel, Professor Wing Hung Ko, Dr Li Yuk Man Charis and Professor Ngan Miu Yung Olivia
Poster: https://www.expo.elearning.cuhk.edu.hk/expo2022-poster-award
Silver award in Pedagogical Innovation – Poster Award Certificate, Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2022, CUHK
Title: Massively VR and AR Multiplayer Gamified Competition: Anatomy and Physiology Course for Health Professional Training
Presenter(s)/Author(s): Dr. Florence Mei Kuen Tang, Mr Taylor Lik Hang Tang, Ms Eileen Yee Lam Li, Mr Daniel Chun Keung Pang, Mr Billy Chiu Yung Fu, Dr Isabel Hwang, Professor Wing Hung Ko, Dr Charis Yuk Man Li and Dr Olivia Miu Yung Ngan
Poster: https://www.expo.elearning.cuhk.edu.hk/expo2022-poster-award
People’s Prize Certificate in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2019, CUHK
Title: The Video Conference System Facilitates Synchronous Teaching and Learning in Anatomy Education
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Florence Mei Kuen TANG, Dr. Wai Kai WONG, Dr. Olivia Miu Yung NGAN, Mr. Ray Mau Fung LEE, Mr. Jack Kwan Ho LAI, Mr. Fredrick Wai To CHOI, Ms Yanny Wing Yan WONG and Mr. Justin Chak Ting CHEUNG
Poster: https://cuhkexpo201920.sched.com/event/dHE2/p37-the-video-conference-system-facilitates-synchronous-teaching-and-learning-in-anatomy-education
Poster Commendation in Teaching & Learning Innovation Expo 2019, CUHK
Title: Online Assessment Strategies: Insights from Recent Studies
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Molly P.M. WONG and Dr. Florence M.K. TANG
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award: A great deal of effort has been paid to evaluate various online assessment methods with a focus on ensuring academic integrity.
It serves as very good references.
Poster: https://cuhkexpo201920.sched.com/event/dHDe/p30-online-assessment-strategies-insights-from-recent-studies