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Brian Chung, M.Sc. in Genomics and Bioinformatics Graduate

To further his career in genomics, Dr. Brian H.Y. Chung obtained the M.Sc. degree in Genomics and Bioinformatics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2013.  In his final year research attachment, under the supervision of Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, Dr. Chung acquired the most cutting-edge and essential skills in analysing whole exome sequencing data of patients with genetic diseases, which has been useful to his clinical practice and research.

Prior to the study at CUHK, Dr. Chung was trained at The University of Hong Kong and subsequently at the University of Toronto, The Hospital for Sick Children, specialising in Paediatrics and Clinical Genetics.  He obtained his fellowship of the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, and later became a founding fellow of the subspecialty of Genetics & Genomics (Paediatrics) of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM). After graduation from our M.Sc. programme, he further obtained a Doctor of Medicine degree from HKU in 2018 with the Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal.

Dr. Chung joined the Hong Kong Genome Institute as the Chief Scientific Officer in 2021, and is currently the President-Elect of the Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics. With his all-rounded expertise and rich experience in genomic medicine as well as his key positions held at different local and overseas genomics and genetics organizations, he has been aspiring to mainstream genomic medicine in Hong Kong through close collaborations and partnerships with various researchers and clinicians.



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