B.Sc., Ph.D.
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann (劉善雅) is a Principal Lecturer and Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) in the School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Director of BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme. She received her BSc (Biology, first-class Honours) and PhD (Molecular Endocrinology) from The University of Hong Kong, with her doctoral training at Population Council, Centre for Biomedical Research (CBR) in Rockefeller University at New York City where she studied the roles of trafficking molecules at the epithelial tight and adherens junctions, and the mechanisms of non-hormonal approach in disrupting Sertoli-germ cell interactions. She is experienced in curriculum development and has developed a wide range of courses including Faculty Package, undergraduate courses for Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy, and Biomedical Engineering Programmes. Her teaching interests range from human genetics, endocrinology, reproductive biology, bioethics, biotechnology, to specialized topics like disorders of sex development (DSDs). She is the Leader of CUHK eLearning Community of Practice (eLearning CoP) on virtual reality (VR) as an emerging education technology, the Principal and Co-investigators of education or teaching and learning development projects worth over US$5 million covering AI, virtual reality and metaverses in education, courseware development, peer-assisted learning, interprofessional education, teaching and learning for social good, examination tools, as well as assessment for learning.
Ann is currently the Assistant Dean (Health Sciences Education) of the Faculty of Medicine, and the Co-Director of the Centre for Bioethics. She is the recipient of the Faculty’s Education Award 2019.