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2010 MOE Key CUHK-Jinan University Joint Laboratories for Regenerative Medicine Conference

The “2010 Ministry of Education (MOE) Key CUHK-Jinan University Joint Laboratories for Regenerative Medicine Conference” was held on 14 December 2010 at Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Principal Investigators (PIs) from the MOE Key Laboratories attended the meeting. They included Prof. Dong-Qing Cai, Prof. Yang-Qiu Li, Prof. John Chan, Prof. Xue-Song Yang, Prof. Hong-Wei Liu (Jinan University); Prof. Wai-Yee Chan (Director of SBS), Prof. Kenneth Lee (Associate Director of MOE Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine), Prof. Hsiao-Chang Chan, Prof. Gang Li, Prof. Po-Sing Leung, Prof. Chao Wan, Prof. Yin Xia, Prof. Kingston Mak, Prof. Hui Zhao, Prof. Xiaohua Jiang (School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK); Prof. Suk-Ying Tsang (School of Life Sciences, CUHK); and Ms. Samantha Wong (Office of Academic Links (China), CUHK). The participants had fruitful discussion about the future development of the Key Laboratories and also research collaboration between both parties.

Please visit the following websites for details of the “MOE Key CUHK-Jinan University Joint Laboratories for Regenerative Medicine”:

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Group photo of Principal Investigators of the “MOE Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine”: (5th from left, front) Prof. Dong-Qing Cai; (3rd from left, front) Prof. Yang-Qiu Li; (2nd from left, front) Prof. John Chan

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