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Meetings with Representatives from U.K. Universities

Through the coordination of the Office of Academic Links (OAL), representatives of SBS had met with a couple of delegations from universities of the UK.

On 5 October, 2010, Prof. Michael Farthing, Vice-Chancellor and Dr. Philip Baker, Head of International Liaison of University of Sussex visited CUHK. Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, SBS Director, and other academic members met and discussed possibility of collaboration with the visitors.

On 11 November 2010, a delegation from the University of Southampton led by Prof. Don Nutbeam, Vice-Chancellor visited the University. Participating in the delegation were also Prof. Alistair Fitt, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Ms. Jo Doyle, Director of International Office. Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, SBS Director and Prof. Kenneth Lee, Managing Director of Core Laboratories met with the delegation in the presence of Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Gordon Cheung, Director of Academic Links. As a follow up, the University of Southampton has invited Prof. Lee to pay a return visit in February, 2011 to discuss further joint collaboration in biomedical sciences.

Events Meeting UK01
Representatives from University of Southampton (on the right) met with the Vice-Chancellor and representatives from SBS (on the left).

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