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The 23rd Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Institution of Science

Officiated by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK); The Honorable Mrs. Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun, GBS, JP, Chairperson, Board of Directors, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation; and Prof. Tony F. Chan, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Science (HKIS) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and with the support of the School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK, the 23rd Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Institution of Science (HKIS) was successfully held on 5 December 2015 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

This year, the Annual Conference was jointly organized by HKIS and CUHK, with the support of the School of Biomedical Sciences.  Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of School of Biomedical Sciences, was the Chair of the Conference’s Organizing Committee.  Being the keynote speaker, Prof. Yang Huanming, Chairman of Beijing Genomics Institute – China, shared with the participants his insights into the correlation between genomics and precision medicine.  Immediately after the keynote lecture, an oral presentation session was conducted for shortlisted young researchers to compete for the “2015 Young Scientist Awards“, which aimed to promote physical / mathematical, life and engineering sciences in Hong Kong. 


The programme book of the Annual Conference can be viewed HERE.


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