Prof. Feng Bo received the Children’s Cancer Foundation Paediatric Oncology Research Grant
3 Oct 2023

Prof. Feng Bo, Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) have been awarded the Children’s Cancer Foundation Paediatric Oncology Grant of HK$1.87 million in support of conducting a two-year research on the development of universal dual-targeting CAR-T cells for treating relapsed and refractory paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Comprising of Prof. Feng Bo as leader, Dr. Zhang Chenzi as senior Postdoc member, and Prof. Li Chi Kong, renown paediatrician in Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, the research team aims to develop a new universal dual CAR-T technology, which can overcome the hurdles related to the antigen escape and dependency on autologous patient-specific T cells. The study has potentials to benefit a broad range of patients, particularly paediatric and heavily treated patients who previously received chemotherapies and/or stem cell transplantation.

We would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Prof. Feng for her ongoing efforts and full commitment to pursuing research excellence.

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