A 5-member delegation led by Prof. Chen Zijiang, Vice-president of Shandong University (SDU) and Dean, Cheeloo College of Medicine, SDU visited the School of Biomedical Sciences on 20 May 2016.
Prof. Chan Wai-yee, the School Director, Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, Associate Director (Academic Administration) and Prof. Christopher H.K. Cheng, Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) of the School welcomed the delegation and introduced to them the management and operation of the School in respect of core laboratories administration, undergraduate education and establishment of platforms for enhancing research exchange and collaboration in the School. Upon a guided tour of our Core Laboratories and Animal Holding Core, another meeting was arranged for the visitors and our School members to discuss the operation and latest development of the CUHK-SDU Joint Laboratory on Reproductive Genetics which has been established and housed in our School since December 2013.
At the invitation of Prof. Zhang Rong, President of SDU, Prof. Chan Wai-yee paid a return visit to Cheeloo College of Medicine, SDU on 14 July 2016. With the participation of Prof. Chen Zijiang, Prof. Chan gave in the meeting a presentation on “New Management Model on Biomedical Research: The School of Biomedical Science, CUHK”, followed by a two-hour discussion session during which senior officials from the academic units of Cheeloo College of Medicine and the senior administrators of SDU exchanged views on reform in medical education and corresponding management models. During the visit, Prof. Chan was also invited to renew and continue his adjunct professorship at SDU, alongside with his capacity as a member of the Shandong University Medical Education Council.
Indeed, our School has been maintaining a close collaborative relationship with Shandong University as reflected in our previous academic exchanges (e.g. in Sep & Dec 2012, Mar 2014, May 2014, and Aug 2015). Upon signing the Memorandum of Understanding in June 2013 and establishing the CUHK-SDU Joint Laboratory on Reproductive Genetics in December 2013, the partnership was further tightened.