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Participation in the Teaching & Learning Innovation EXPO 2013
5 Dec 2014

In the Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2013 jointly organized by the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) on 5 December 2013, members of our Teaching and Learning (T&L) Unit including Dr. Isabel Hwang, Dr. Ann Lau and Dr. Rebecca Lee attended the event on behalf of our School and shared with other participants their teaching and learning experiences and strategies, as well as the outcomes of their pedagogical innovations. In recognition of their outstanding performance, Dr. Isabel Hwang was awarded Poster Commendation for her presentation on “The Power of Mobile eLearning Apps: How the Teaching and Learning Environment is Being Given a Facelift in Biomedical Teaching”, and Dr. Ann Lau won the Poster Award for her presentation “Transforming the Gadgets @ CU eLearning System to a Peer Assessment Platform and Fostering Group Interactions”.

Through participating in this annual event, it is hoped that our T&L members can exchange with other CUHK teachers their experiences in good and effective classroom teaching methods and learning activity designs, thus contributing further to the advancement of teaching quality and enhancement of student learning.


Authors / Speakers Poster or Oral Presentation Title
Dr. Isabel Hwang1 Poster and oral presentations:
“The Power of Mobile eLearning Apps: How the Teaching and Learning Environment is Being Given a Facelift in Biomedical Teaching” (Poster Commendation)
 Dr. Rebecca Lee1, Dr. Ann Lau1, Ms. Daisy Chen2, Ms. Judy Lo2, Prof. Paul Lam3  Poster presentation:
“Interactive Web-based & Mobile-based Courseware for Effective Learning”
 Dr. Ann Lau1, Ms. Kaman Lee1, Ms. Eva Cheung2, Ms. Prinporn Lau2  Poster and oral presentations:
“Transforming the Gadgets @ CU eLearning System to a Peer Assessment Platform and Fostering Group Interactions”(Poster Award)
Dr. Ann Lau1, Prof. Paul Lam3, Mr. Kevin Wong3 Poster and oral presentations
“The Extended Use of uReply as a Tool for Evaluation”


1School of Biomedical Sciences
2Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC)
3Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR)

Dr. Isabel Hwang (middle) receives Poster Commendation for her poster and oral presentations

Dr. Ann Lau (middle) receives Poster Award for her poster and oral presentations

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