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Visit of Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences

Led by Dr. Duan Ziyuan, the Secretary of Party Committee, Deputy Director General of the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences, a delegation visited the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) on 29 August 2023.

Prof. Hector S.O. Chan and Prof. Feng Bo gave a briefing of SBS’s latest development and its programmes to the delegates, followed by discussions for future collaborations.

SBS has been in close collaboration with GIBH since the signing of a MOU in 2011 between the two institutions to promote long-term partnerships in research collaboration, as well as the exchange and training of research personnel.

SBS members including Prof. Hector S.O. Chan (front row, 2nd from right) and Prof. Feng Bo (back row, 1st from right), Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui (back row, 4th from right), Prof. Zhao Hui (back row, 5th from left), Prof. Jiang Xiaohua (back row, 3rd from right), Prof. Hannah Hui Xiaoyan (back row, 2nd from right), Prof. Wang Wuming (back row, 1st from right) picture with Dr. Duan Ziyuan (front row, 2nd from left) and the delegation of GIBH.

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