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Biomedical Research Academy for Secondary School Students (BioMeRA) 2015

The Biomedical Research Academy for Secondary School Students “BioMeRA” was first launched by the School in summer 2015, which aimed to provide secondary school students interested in biomedical sciences a holistic experience of being a biomedical research student in the campus of CUHK.  Nine Form 4 to 6 students participated in the six-week programme from mid-July to late August 2015. 

Under the supervision of Research Mentors, Investigators from our School, the participating students were guided to conduct biomedical research projects on topics related to cancer, stem cells, neurological diseases, vascular, reproductive and developmental biology.   To broaden students’ exposure and enrich their experience, specially designed mini-lectures and workshops in relation to the various research topics, and visits to commercial laboratories related to biomedical sciences were arranged.  They could also have the chance to experience campus life through their participation in the activities led by our Postgraduate Student Ambassadors. 


List of participating students and Research Mentors is as follows:


Secondary Schools

Research Mentors

CHAN King Long Bishop Hall Jubilee School Prof. WAYE Miu Yee Mary
CHAN Wing Tung Bishop Hall Jubilee School Prof. FENG Bo & Prof. LEUNG Po Sing
CHEUNG Nga Man Po Leung Kuk Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial School Prof. MAK King Lun Kingston
CHU Wai Yan Diocesan Girls’ School Prof. CHAN Man Lok Andrew
GU Kwan Yin Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College Prof. CHAN Wood Yee Woody
LEUNG Hei Yiu Diocesan Girls’ School Prof. KO Wing Hung
MOK Yi Ting HKCCCU Logos Academy Prof. CHEUNG Wing Tai
SHUM Wing Zi St. Paul’s Co-educational College Prof. KWAN Yiu Wa
YIP Pei Xie Agnes St. Paul’s Co-educational College Prof. TSUI Kwok Wing Stephen

Please click here for the video sharing the happy moments in BioMeRA 2015.

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