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Student fieldtrip to Microbiota I-Center, InnoHK Centre of CUHK

Accompanied by Prof. Alfred S.L. Cheng, the students of the BSc in Biomedical Science (BMS) Programme visited on 4 November 2022 Microbiota I-Center (MagIC), one of the CUHK InnoHK Centres focusing on the development of novel classes of microbiome diagnostics and live biotherapeutics. As one of the components of the course SBMS1101 “Biomedical Sciences and Society”, the fieldtrip was well-participated by 32 students.

During the visit, the representatives of MagIC first introduced the microbiome research on diagnostics and therapeutics at the main laboratory, and guided the participants to the animal facility to have a better understanding of the pre-clinical study. Afterwards, a career sharing session titled “Bring innovation to the Community” was delivered by the team of GenieBiome Limited, a Biotech spin-out company. This fieldtrip provided our BMS students an eye-opening experience on innovation, research and commercialization of biomedical product, giving them an early exposure to their future development paths.

Photo of the visit to MagIC

Prof. Alfred Cheng (front row, 3rd from left), participating students and MagIC team

Visit to laboratory and animal facility

Visit to laboratory and animal facility

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