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Visit of Prof. René M. Castelein, Utrecht University, the Netherlands and the CUHK delegation visit to Utrecht University

Prof. René M. Castelein, Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Utrecht University, the Netherlands visited the School of Biomedical Sciences on 15 January 2013.

During the visit, Prof. Castelein met with Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, School Director, Prof. Fung Kwok-Pui, Associate Director (Administration) and Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee, Managing Director of Core Laboratories to learn the recent development of the School.  Other School members including Prof. Andrew M.L. Chan, Prof. Feng Bo, Prof. Jiang Xiaohua, Prof. Kingston K.L. Mak, Prof. Eugene Ponomarev, Prof. Wan Chao and Prof. Mary M.Y. Waye also met with Prof. Castelein to share with him their major areas of research and to explore the possibilities for further collaboration with Utrecht University.  Afterwards, Prof. Castelein was guided to tour the Core Laboratories and Animal Holding Core.


Shortly after Prof. Castelein’s visit, a CUHK delegation comprised of Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, Director of School of Biomedical Sciences, Prof. Lawrence K.S. Wong, Head, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prof. Virginia C.Y. Yip, Chairperson, Department of Linguistics & Modern Languages, Prof. Patrick C.M. Wong, Director, Laboratory for Language, Learning and the Brain and Prof. Richard K.W. Choy, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology paid a return visit to Utrecht University between 16 and 19 April 2013. One of the aims for this return visit is to explore possible collaboration in Neuroscience and Cognition between Utrecht University and the to-be-formed Institute of Innovative Medicine in CUHK.


These mutual visits not only enhanced the mutual understanding but also laid down a milestone for establishing closer academic collaboration between the two institutions in the near future.

(From left) Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng, Prof. Castelein, Prof. Fung Kwok-Pui and Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee

Prof. Castelein (right) visits the aquatic zone of the Animal Holding Core

Prof. Castelein (2nd from left) visits our Core Laboratories


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