School Members’ Recent Research Publications in International Journals with High Impact Factor
6 Aug 2020

The following members of the School of Biomedical Sciences published research papers in various international journals with high Impact Factor between November 2019 and June 2020:

School Members Article Title Journal Name Publication Date
Prof. Chan Hon-fai Modulation of macrophages by bioactive glass/sodium alginate hydrogel is crucial in skin regeneration enhancement
(Full paper can be viewed HERE)
Biomaterials June 2020
Prof. Chen Yangchao CircFOXK2 Promotes Growth and Metastasis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma by Complexing with RNA-Binding Proteins and Sponging MiR-942
(Full paper can be viewed HERE)
Cancer Research June 2020
Prof. Eugene Ponomarev Platelets promote epileptic seizures by modulating brain serotonin level, enhancing neuronal electric activity, and contributing to neuroinflammation and oxidative stress
(Full paper can be viewed HERE)
Progress in Neurobiology May 2020
Prof. Tian Xiaoyu Intrapulmonary Cellular-Level Distribution of Inhaled Nanoparticles with Defined Functional Groups and Its Correlations with Protein Corona and Inflammatory Response
(Full paper can be viewed HERE)
ACS Nano November 2019

Prof. Chan Hon-fai (middle) and his teammates

Prof. Chen Yangchao (right)

Prof. Eugene Ponomarev

Prof. Tian Xiaoyu (2nd from right)

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