

Dr. ZHOU Yuhuan (周玉環) is an Assistant Lecturer in the School of Biomedical Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received her Ph.D. from Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. She then did her postdoctoral research fellow training in The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada and later joined University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and was promoted as a Research Associate. Dr. Zhou has more than 10 years of experience in biomedical research and strong expertise in diverse biomedical science disciplines ranging from cell biology to immunology and cancer biology. Her research interest is applying high and super resolution microscopy to study cell-matrix adhesion assembly and ion transport in immune surveillance. She is a member of American Society for Cell Biology and a member of Bioimaging of North America. Dr. Zhou has a great passion for teaching and mentorship. She has assisted in organizing and teaching several international cell biology and advanced imaging courses (PhD level). She has mentored undergraduate students to complete summer internships and thesis project in Hong Kong and Canada. Her teaching interests cover physiology, histology, and university general education course.