七位生物医学学院成员,包括张智钧教授、黄水珊博士、刘善雅博士、潘匡杰博士、施由鸿博士、邓美娟博士及黄伟佳博士获得来自大学教育资助委员会2022-25三年期的教学发展及语文培训补助金,为以他们为首席导师的七个项目获得了超过 500 万港元的资助。其获资助专题项目如下:
学院成员#及非学院成员 (首席导师*) | 项目题目 | 获资助金额(港币) |
刘善雅博士*#、黄水珊博士*#、刘咏思博士*#、卫善敏博士*#、黄佩文博士*#、容力建先生、金燕博士 | A One-Stop Engine for Examination and Item Analysis Databank (Platform ExMIA) for Quality Assurance and Enhanced Assessments | $499,224 |
施由鸿博士*#、蓝澧铨教授 | Building A Collaborative Platform For Enhancing Artificial Intelligence Applications In Higher Education | $1,657,430 |
施由鸿博士*#、张智钧教授*# | Beyond Text-only AI Chatbots: the Digital Avatar Learning Environment for Human Anatomy | $500,000 |
施由鸿博士*#、Mårten Erik Brelén教授* | Interdisciplinary Blockchain Education: Development and Deployment in the Faculties of Law, Medicine and the Business School | $734,251 |
孙思涵博士*、黄仰山教授*、黄水珊博士*#、黄维达教授* | Enhancing Empathic Ability and Moral Awareness in Bioethics Learning: A Case-based Approach | $166,701 |
邓美娟博士*#、刘善雅博士#、Kanchan R. Singh博士#、黄祖莉教授、张柏恒教授、李毓雯博士、曾明蕙教授、颜妙融博士、李谋丰先生、邓力恒先生、张晞晴女士、焦瑞祺女士、彭俊强先生 | The Readiness of Metaverse in Pedagogical Approach for Tertiary Education | $815,776 |
黄伟佳博士*#、潘匡杰博士*#、王倩教授*、孔庆瑜女士* | “CHIM3DERA” – An Interactive Student-lead Dissection Workshop and a 3D Scanned Specimen Model Platform to Enhance Interdisciplinary Peer-learning of Anatomy and Acupuncture | $927,860 |