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Discussion Forum on Postgraduate Courses offered in the School of Biomedical Sciences
19 Mar 2012

The Graduate Division of Biomedical Sciences organized a discussion forum on postgraduate courses on 19 March 2012 in Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building. The objective of the forum was to collect inputs and suggestions on the proposal put forward by the Sub-committee on Postgraduate Curriculum Review. The proposal suggested re-structuring of our existing postgraduate courses with a view to enhancing the academic quality and timeliness of our postgraduate education and so the versatility of our postgraduate students in meeting the many new challenges as a result of the rapid advancement in bio-technology and information expansion in biomedical sciences. During the forum, participants were actively involved in the discussion and shared many useful insights and comments with the Sub-committee. After incorporating suggestions collected in the forum, the proposal would be finalized and submitted to the appropriate parties in the University for approval in April 2012 and thereafter.


Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education) (1st from left) and the forum participants

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