Filled with lots of excitement and fun, the Fourth Director’s Cup – Badminton Tournament organized by the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) Postgraduate Student Association (PSA) was successfully held on 24 September 2016.
This year, a total of six teams formed by SBS students and staff members competed for the “Director’s Cup”. The champion trophy was once again generously sponsored by Prof. Chan Wai-yee, the School Director. After rounds of intense competition, the following teams won various awards of the Tournament:
“Cancer Biology & Experimental Therapeutics(CBET) 2” Team comprising Ms. Cao Ye, Mr. John J.J. Chen, Ms. Phyllis Chen, Ms. Dai Congling, Ms. Guo Jinghui, Mr. Huang Biao, Mr. Wang Bin, Mr. Jonathan Z.H. Weng, Mr. Xu Zhenyu and Ms. Tina J.T. Zhang
First runner-up
“STAFF” Team comprising Ms. Han Xinyu, Ms. Ariel L. Li, Mr. Liao Jinyue, Mr. Alfred C.S. Luk, Mr. Rao Shitao and Ms. Yin Liangying
Second runner-up
“CBET 1” Team comprising Ms. Chen Xinmeng, Mr. Cheung Chun, Ms. Fiona Hartgring, Mr. Lian Wei, Mr. Shi Mai, Ms. Wang Zhangting, Mr. Wu Xu, Mr. Xu Liangliang and Ms. Zeng Xuezhen
As an annual sports event of the School, the Director’s Cup Badminton Tournament aims to establish a closer bonding among SBS members. With the launch of our new BSc Biomedical Sciences programme, our first cohort of undergraduate students was also invited to join this enjoyable event with our postgraduate students and staff. The SBS PSA would like to express their deepest gratitude to all participants, judges and helpers for their active participation and help, as well as to School members for their unfailing support in this event.
Please click here for the photo gallery of the tournament.
Group photo at the Fourth Director’s Cup Badminton Tournament
Champion: CBET 2 team
First runner-up: STAFF Team