The Graduation Ceremony of BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme for Class 2020 was successfully held online on 19 November 2020. The BSc programme of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) admitted its first batch of students in September 2016. This was the first graduation ceremony for the first batch of BSc graduates. Nearly 120 participants, including BSc graduates, their parents as well as SBS staff took part in this event to celebrate together this important milestone.
Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS first delivered an opening speech, followed by the conferment of degrees to the graduates. Afterwards, Prof. Hector S.O. Chan, Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) of SBS announced the students with First Class Honours, followed by the announcement of awardees of the School’s different academic awards and scholarships by Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, former Director of the BSc programme. The representative of the Graduate Class 2020 proposed a vote of thanks to all School members who contributed to the programme and presented a souvenir to the School Director.
We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to all of our graduates and best wishes for their next chapter of life.
Group photo of Graduation Ceremony of BSc in Biomedical Sciences for Class 2020
Prof. Andrew Chan, Director of SBS receives souvenir presented by the representative of the Graduate Class 2020