The Inauguration Ceremony of the first Executive Committee of the Society of Biomedical Sciences – Biomedoscope (the Society), the student association of the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme), was successfully held on 23 February 2017 at Lee Shau Kee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
The ceremony started off with the opening speeches and congratulatory messages given by Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President of CUHK and Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) and Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, Director of the BSc Programme. A video introducing the Society and its year plan was shown afterward, before Prof. Fung officiated the ceremonies of lighting up candles and oath-taking, marking the official establishment of Biomedoscope. On behalf of Biomedoscope, Mr. Enoch Poon, the President, expressed his gratitude to all participants including the teaching staff of the BSc Programme, the representatives of the Postgraduate Student Association (PSA) of SBS and the fellow societies from CUHK, The University of Hong Kong and The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong for their attendance and support. He then presented certificates and souvenirs to the guests of honour and the representatives of the participating groups and societies. The ceremony was concluded with a closing remark given by Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, Deputy Director of the BSc Programme, encouraging the Executive Committee to strive to offer assistance and support to their fellow students in the coming year.
It is our earnest hope that the establishment of the Societycan provide a desirable and interactive communication platform among the BSc students and the teaching staff of the School. It is also hoped that students’ sense of belonging to the School and the bonding between SBSPSA and the Society will be strengthened with more communication and interaction through joint organization of different academic, social and recreational activities for our students.
Group photo taken in the Inauguration Ceremony
Photo taken in the oath-taking ceremony