A delegation of 7 members, led by Prof. Bruce Robinson, Dean of Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, visited the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and attended a joint scientific meeting on 26 April 2013. Apart from meeting with the key investigators of the Faculty, several investigators from the School of Biomedical Sciences also took part in the meeting.
The meeting was divided into several breakout sessions during which investigators from both institutions met together to share among themselves their research interests and latest research findings, and to explore the possibility for further collaboration in specific topics of mutual interests. Specifically, Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, our School Director, together with Prof. Fok Tai-Fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, met with Prof. Bruce Robinson, whereas our School members including Prof. Andrew Chan, Prof. Ke Ya, Prof. Eugene Ponomarev, Prof. John Rudd, Prof. Helen Wise, and Prof. Yung Wing-Ho were arranged to meet with Prof. MacDonald Christie of the Sydney Medical School.
Participation in this joint scientific meeting has laid down a good foundation for establishing academic collaborations between our School and the Sydney Medical School, and for extending our scholarly connections to the academia in Australia.
Prof. Bruce Robinson (middle) receives souvenir from Prof. Fok Tai-Fai (right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK and Prof. Tony Chung (left), Acting Dean, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Group photo taken in the joint scientific meeting: Prof. Chan Wai-Yee (4th from right in the back row), Prof. Eugene Ponomarev (7th from left in the back row) and Prof. Andrew Chan (3rd from left in the back row)