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Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions
27 Oct 2012

The Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK O-Day) was held successfully on 27 October 2012. It was the first time for the Faculty of Medicine to organize the exhibitions and admissions talks in the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building (LIBSB), since the Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building had been under renovation. As in previous years, undergraduate programmes including the MBChB, Nursing, Gerontology, Pharmacy, Public Health and Community Health Practice were introduced to the potential students and their parents. Alongside with the admissions talks and exhibition booths, members of the Teaching and Learning Unit of the School and some academic staff also introduced our preclinical courses offered under the MBChB and other non-medical programmes through poster displays, students sharing and model demonstrations.

The corresponding coverage (Chinese version only) by the Communications and Public Relations Office can be viewed HERE. A photo album by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aids can also be viewed HERE.


Snapshots taken during the Orientation Day held at the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building

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