The School of Biomedical Sciences participated in the Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 5 November 2016.
Same as the previous year, a series of admission talks cum consultation sessions for the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme were conducted in the Orientation Day. This year, we conducted successfully a total of 7 admission talks attracting the attendance of over 2000 visitors including secondary school students, teachers and parents. Several rounds of tour of the core laboratories at the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building were arranged immediately after each admission talk. Visitors joining the tours were greatly impressed by our state-of-the-art research facilities and gained a wider understanding of how the study of the Programme would be supported by the School’s cutting-edge equipment and facilities.
Apart from this, the preclinical courses offered by our School to the MBChB Programme and other non-medical programmes of the Faculty of Medicine were introduced to the visitors by members of our Teaching and Learning Unit. Through vivid demonstrations using multimedia software, mobile apps and in-house developed courseware, poster displays, and medical students sharing, prospective students were able to have basic understanding of the undergraduate courses offered by the Faculty before they could decide and select suitable undergraduate programmes for enrollment.
The corresponding coverage by the Communications and Public Relations Office can be viewed HERE.
Snapshot taken at the display room of SBS
Snapshot taken at the display room of SBS
Snapshot taken at the display room of SBS
Snapshot taken at the admission talk
Snapshot of laboratory tours at the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building