Following the previous success, the School continued to organize the SBS Summer Research Internship Programme for medical students between June and August 2015. The Programme aimed to provide the participating students with opportunities to expose themselves in real research environment and to acquire hands-on research experience. Under the supervision of 15 investigators from our School, a total of 32 Year 1 and Year 2 medical students were selected to take part in the Programme this year, representing a tremendous increase in the number of participants as compared with the figures in the last three academic years (i.e. 2011-2012: 10; 2012-2013: 17; 2013-2014: 24).
To ensure the students’ full awareness of the importance of laboratory safety, the School arranged for the participants a one-day Laboratory Safety Course conducted by the University Laboratory Safety Office and a tour of the School’s Core Laboratory facilities before the commencement of the Programme. A concluding lunch gathering where student representatives were invited to share their experience and study findings was held on 26 August 2015. Mr. Dominic Yu, a former summer intern who took a gap year to pursue the MSc in Research Medicine Programme, also shared his experience with the participating students.
A group photo of the summer interns and our investigators taken upon the completion of the Programme