The School of Biomedical Sciences Research Day 2011 was successfully held on 31 May 2011 in Mong Man Wai Building, CUHK. Similar to the one held last year, the event was officiated by Prof. Tai-Fai Fok, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, and Prof. Wai-Yee Chan, Director of the School.
The objective of the Research Day is to encourage communication and scientific interaction amongst School members and our thematic associate members. Members of three research themes - “Neuro-degeneration, -development and Repair”, “Vascular and Metabolic Biology”, and “Stem Cell and Regeneration” - delivered 20 oral presentations, while the other two research themes - “Cancer and Inflammation” and “Reproduction, Development and Endocrinology” - made 28 posters presentations. The Research Day was well attended by more than 200 participants, which included members and students from the School, thematic associate members from the clinical departments, and also guests from the Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology.
[Photo Gallery]