Officiated by Prof. Francis K.L. Chan, Dean of Medicine and Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), the “SBS Research Day 2016” was successfully held on 2 and 3 June 2016 at the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The event was well-attended by more than 250 participants, including our School members, associate members from clinical departments and guests from The University of Hong Kong.
Unlike previous years, the Research Day was restructured this year to form a platform for all junior faculties (Assistant Professors and Research Assistant Professors) of the School to showcase their latest findings on six key areas of biomedical research. During the event, our junior faculties gave oral presentations in front of senior faculties who served as speakers, session chairs, or judges. A prize namely “The Best Presentation Award” was also introduced starting from this year to the best-performed investigators in the presentation session. Among 22 speakers from a total of six scientific sessions, Prof. Alfred S.L. Cheng, Prof. Vincent C.K. Cheung and Prof. Tian Xiaoyu were selected for the award.
This annual event continues to provide an opportunity for all participants, including academic staff, postgraduate students and research staff, to strengthen their academic linkage and also exchange research ideas. We sincerely thank all the participants and also the sponsoring companies for their enthusiastic support to make this event a success.
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Guests and our School members at the “SBS Research Day 2016”