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Seminar on Animal Experimentation and Ethics at CUHK
14 Oct 2016

To reinforce the concept of proper and ethical usage of animals in biomedical research and the associated experimentations, our Graduate Education Team and the Core Laboratories Team once again coordinated with the Laboratory Animal Services Centre (LASEC) of the Faculty of Medicine to organize a seminar entitled “Animal Experimentation and Ethics at CUHK” on 14 October 2016, as part of the lecture series for postgraduate students at the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS).

During the seminar, Dr. Dewi Rowlands, Director of LASEC, highlighted the importance of good animal welfare and its relationship to good science, emphasizing that taking good care of research animals was not only ethically sound, but also scientifically necessary. The University and Hong Kong regulations for animal use were also discussed and students were given an opportunity to learn the basics of analgesia, anesthesia and post-operative care in various species.

Subsequent to the seminar, several hands-on practical sessions in small groups were held at LASEC with students learning how to acclimatize mice and rats to handling as well as appropriate handling techniques for administration of drugs or treatments. Both lecture and hands-on sessions were very well received and attended by the post-graduate students as well as some research staff from SBS.


Snapshot taken during the seminar

Snapshot taken during the seminar

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