Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education) of School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), led a delegation comprising Prof. Andrew M.L. Chan, Professor and Chief of the Cancer Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (CBET) Thematic Research Program, and seven postgraduate students of our School to join the 5th Cross-strait Symposium on Biomedical Sciences 2017 organized by the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan between 22 and 26 November 2017.
Following the last two participations in June 2014 and November 2016, this was the third time for our School to join the cross-strait symposium. This year, apart from our School delegation and the representatives of the host institution, delegation teams from Peking University, China and Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences were also invited to join this event, with an objective of promoting academic exchanges among postgraduate students from different institutions who are engaging in various fields of biomedical and life sciences research.
During the meeting, Prof. Woody Chan and Prof. Andrew Chan were invited to deliver keynote lectures to all the participants whereas our postgraduate students actively participated in the poster and oral presentation sessions to compete for different prizes with students from other institutions. Four of our students received awards as a recognition of their outstanding presentations and high standard of research. They included:
Miss Zeng Yelin | Excellent Award in the 2017 Poster Contest of Cross-strait Symposium on Biomedical Sciences |
Mr. Lin Nansheng | Excellent Award in the 2017 Speech Contest of Cross-strait Symposium on Biomedical Sciences |
Mr. Cheung Ka Wing, Otto | Distinguished Honour Award in the 2017 Speech Contest of Cross-strait Symposium on Biomedical Sciences |
Mr. Peng Tak Keung, Bruce | Honorable Mention Award in the 2017 Speech Contest of Cross-strait Symposium on Biomedical Sciences |
The program rundown for the symposium can be viewed HERE.
Delegation from School of Biomedical Sciences including Prof. Woody Chan (centre) and Prof. Andrew Chan (4th from left)
Miss Zeng Yelin (right)
Mr. Lin Nansheng (right)
Mr. Cheung Ka Wing, Otto (right)
Mr. Peng Tak Keung, Bruce (right)
Group photo taken in the 5th Cross-strait Symposium on Biomedical Sciences 2017