A group of Primary 5 students of Japanese International School, Hong Kong visited the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) on 1 November 2016.
The group was warmly received by Prof. Lee Tin-lap, Deputy Chief of the Developmental and Regenerative Biology (DRB) Thematic Program of SBS. During the visit, the students were briefly introduced to the background of the School and the use of laboratory equipment in conducting various studies of biomedical sciences especially those for stem cell research. The students were excited by the hands-on opportunities of conducting experiments like DNA extraction and cell exploration by the use of microscope.
It is hoped that younger students are able to build up basic concept of biomedical research through the visit, from which they can start exploring and developing their interests in the different fields of biomedical sciences.
Prof. Lee Tin Lap gives a brief introduction of the visit to students of JIS
Students conduct simple experiments in the laboratory
Snapshot taken during the lab visit
Snapshot taken during the lab visit
Snapshot taken during the lab visit