The Scientific Advisory Committee comprising of Dr. Owen M. Rennert (Chairperson), National Institutes of Health, U.S.A., Dr. Ping-Yee Law, University of Minnesota, U.S.A., Dr. Vassilios Papadopoulos, McGill University Health Centre, Canada, and Dr. Rocky Tuan, University of Pittsburg School of Medicine, paid their second visit to our School between 28 February and 4 March 2011.
During the visit, the Committee had individual meetings with different groups of School members to learn about our latest development in various domains. These members included the School Director; Associate Directors; Chief and members of respective Thematic Research Programs (TRPs), Head and members of the Teaching and Learning Unit; as well as the postgraduate student representatives. The Committee visited the core laboratory facilities of the School.
Apart from meeting with our members, the Committee also met with Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost of CUHK, Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. T. F. Fok, Dean of Medicine, and Prof. Dennis Lo, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine.
Based on the observations made during the visit, the Committee gave us many useful recommendations essential for sustaining sound growth and enhancing the competitive edge of the School.
A group photo taken outside the Basic Medical Sciences Building, CUHK (1st row): Dr. Owen M. Rennert (4th from left); Dr. Vassilios Papadopoulos (3rd from left); Dr. Ping-Yee Law (2nd from left); Dr. Rocky Tuan (3rd from right)
Members of Scientific Advisory Committee with Prof. Benjamin Wah (middle)
Members of Scientific Advisory Committee with Prof. T. F. Fok (furthest to the left)
Members of Scientific Advisory Committee with Prof. Wai-Yee Chan (2nd from left) and Prof. Woody Chan (1st from right) at Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building, CUHK
Members of Scientific Advisory Committee with Prof. Wai-Yee Chan (1st from right) and Prof. Woody Chan (1st from left) at Pavilion of Harmony, New Asia College, CUHK